squash reloaded
A classic effect made even better!

Some things are better with age...
The original version of SQUASH was created in 1932 by percy abbott. It was an instant hit establishing a benchmark in magic that led to the creation of the abbotts magic company. Fast forward 92 years and I now share with you my updated variant of this classic effect.
here is little in magic that is more magical than the pure vanish of an object. When I first witnessed SQUASH I can tell you that my mouth dropped and I swore it hit the floor. It was beautiful vanish. Simple...Compelling ... and most of all magical! In the original, a clear shot glass is filled with liquid and squeezed between the hands of the performer where it vanishes completely without a trace. I loved it and have used it for many decades to much success.
So what is SQUASH RELOADED? In simple terms... so much more than the original. First of all, the clear shot glass is updated with a modern stainless steel shot glass. This is also not just a vessel to hold liquids, but it is now a very devastating pocket chop cup that opens up endless possibilities. You can still fill the shot glass with liquid and vanish it as in the original. However, you can now perform a full chop cup routine and end by vanishing the cup and mini orange. With the new vanisher, it is also possible to now end by changing the cup into another object such as an actual orange or maybe even a deck of cards to seque into your next routine.
Don't be fooled...SQUASH RELOADED is a reputation maker! No longer just a puzzle. The chopped shot glass and improved vanisher make this an absolute miracle.
What is included with SQUASH RELOADED?
A Gaffed stainless steel custom shot glass
Set of mini plastisol oranges (one regular and one gafffed)
Updated vanishing gimmick
Carrying pouch
Instructional video that includes handling tips and ideas only possible with the new reloaded vanisher.
NOTE: Appropriate clothing considerations must be adopted to perform SQUASH RELOADED effectively.